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Structure/Function ~ Alimentary Canal~ + Foregut ~ Conduction, storage, digestion - esophagus - [crop (gizzard)] - stomach (1 digestion,mainly proteins) - monogastric (e.g. humans) - digastric (ruminants): Rumen/reticulum = bacterial fermentation Abomasum = digestion (~monogastric) n               cMonogastric stomach   Know morphology & terms Fundus lined with gastric pit/glands: - Goblet cells (secrete mucus) - Parietal cells (secrete HCl) - Chief cells (secrete pepsinogen)L  Z      dDigastric Stomach   Rumen & Reticulum ~ bacterial fermentation (products include lactate, acetate, CO2, CH4, peptides, a.a., short chain f.a.) ~ absorbed into bloodstream [Reguritation] (Omasum)Abomasum ( true stomach)~ bacteria from rumen + digestive juices b           ; e+II. Structure/Function ~ Alimentary Canal~ , Midgut~ Chemical digestion & absorption - fat, carbohydrate, protein digestion - small & large intestine,  ecosystem Small intestine: - duodenum(secretes mucus, receives secr.) - jejunum (secretes, digests, absorbs) - ileum(absorbs),   < fBile salts & pancreatic juices  Bile salts formed by liver, stored in gall bladder until released into small intestine Bile salts emulsify fats and helps neutralize acid received from stomach Pancreas secretes pancreatic juices (contain proteases, lipases, carbohydrases; also help neutralize acid from stomach)    * gIntestinal Flora   Bacteria, protozoans, fungi =  ecosystem of the intestine Contribute to digestion Some synthesize essential vitamins    b h Intestinal Architecture   Surface Area a Absorption Intestinal design maximizes surface area Folds slow food movement, villi covered by digestive cells (absorptive, goblet) Surface area ~ football field (if villi destroyed, no absorption = diarrhea) Entire midgut lining replaced every few days$ L]  S  ,   v -III. Structure & Function ~ Alimentary Canal~ . Hindgut = Lg. intestine, Colon &/or Cecum ~ storage of waste, reabsorption of water and ions, defecation ~ main site of bacterial fermentation (herbivores) ~ terminates in rectum, or cloaca (birds, reptiles, amphibians, a few mammals) 6.z        k  .  w The gut is dynamic  !Energy demands & food quality alter gut: ~ size, enzyme/transporter activity, absorptivity (all costly!) e.g. birds ~low temp, incr exercise (months)-- incr small intestine -- incr nutrient uptake efficiency e.g. snake ~ huge meal --40% incr sm intestine w/in hours; incr glucose uptake6"jeKN   %      :     x Alimentary Motility  q Importance of motility: - propulsion, mixing, contact w/ lining Types of motility in gut: - muscular & ciliary  i   y Control of Motility  Intrinsic rhythm - Basic electric rhythm (BER) ~generated by alimentary  pacemaker cells ~APs-- Ca2+ spikes-- contractions BER is modified by extrinsic signals: - neuronal (ANS) - hormonal (gastrointestinal peptides from chyme)RS* H6\     zExtrinsic controls: summary  BANS ~ gastrointestinal targets: stomach, intestine,colon; musculature+mucosal cells Sympathetic innervation ~ NE - inhibitory -- decr. Motility/secretions Parasympathetic innervation ~ ACh - excitatory -- incr. Motility/secretions endocrine/exocrine cells -- gastrin,GIP, etc.. TOGETHER - v. fine control of digestion!! $C)F       &       2  9 {Digestive Enzymes  Proteases - endopeptidases (e.g. pepsin), exopeptidases result: small peptides, amino acids Carbohydrases (e.g. amylase, cellulase*) - polysaccharidases, glycosidases result: monosaccharides Lipases Fats: 1)emulsify, 2)micelles, 3) lipases result: fatty acids     %             F |*I. What controls GI motility & secretions? + Primary stimulus? FOOD in gut! (gastric) a) chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors in gut -- ANS -- motility, secretions b) food molecules --membrane receptors of endocrine cells in gut -- secretions Other stimuli? THOUGHTS of food! (cephalic) 6,     }II. Control of GI secretions  Stomach HCl & pepsin secretion is provoked by: - secretagogues in food (caffeine, alcohol) - ANS (parasympathetic - vagus nerve) - gastrin + histamine (both secreted by stomach epithelia)b  %  6     1 ~III. Control of GI secretions  EFig 15-36 ~ know this! - food, protein, vagus nerve, distension: stim. gastrin -- HCl, pepsin, churning, chyme - a.a., f.a., monosacch, low pH in duodenum increase SI secretions: CCK (gb contr., pancreas secr.)+ secretin (pancreas secr.)+VIP, GIP, secretin (inhibit gastric secr) -fight-or-flight: NE (inhibits gastric secr)$F ->(              2                   )   Absorption of Nutrients  [Intestine absorbs nutrients! (not stomach) - microvilli+glycocalyx contain digestive enzymes ~ final digestion occurs here - uptake by absorptive cells of villi via: - passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, endocytosis (know examples of each!) Know how different molecules are absorbed (water, ions, aa, fa,mono-saccharides) 6\))-      X  E   P        Nutrient  Fate   9Nutrients travel from intestine to liver via hepatic portal vein Carbohydrates: - High glucose in blood stimulates pancreas to release insulin; insulin promotes glucose uptake by heptocytes (& other cells), hepatocytes convert glucose to glycogen AA & FA: b/c proteins and fat in various tissues, including liver    } /klmnopqrst  ` ̙33` ` ff3333f` 333MMM` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> +#(    6- P Y  V Click to edit Master title style! !   0.  Y  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S   0. `` Y  Y*    0D/ `  Y  [*    0$ `  Y  [*  H  0޽h ? ̙33 $Blank Presentation @(    04 P   Y  ]*     0    Y  _*   d  c $ ?  Y   0  @ Y  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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